Collective Action and Social Movements

Social media often times is looked at in a negative light, due to the fact that humans are more likely to point out whats wrong before they point out what is done right. Social media has sparked ideas in the minds of people, as well as has changed view points of individuals that previously had…

Online Advertising

One fear many people worldwide have is an invasion of privacy, whether that be scam artist breaching on a persons bank account, the government looking at the people through the cameras on phones (and other electronic devices) and tracking everything on phones according to Edward Snowden, or just someone walking in on another person without…

Net Neutrality

The subject of “Net Neutrality” is a recent conflict. It is basically a fight between big corporate companies such as Verizon and At&t, and the public. The big companies want to put regulations on internet content as well as the speed of internet; they would charge the individual for the content being viewed and/or for…

Stress, Harassment, and Bullying on the Cyberspace

The internet has an appeal to most of the world for various reasons. Some people enjoy the ease that it provides to keep up with friends, family, celebrities, businesses, etc. Others like the memes, online shopping, and constant information about the world that is on the internet. Since the web/social media is so new to…

Understanding Digital Natives

Much of the world relies on social media for the quickest up to date information. This is the same for the teens that participated in this survey. Many teens may not use social media for the same reasons that adults and young adults such as ourselves do but the fact of the matter is they…

About Me

Basic Info About Me: Name: Chloe Short Age: 21 Standing: Junior Height: 5 ft, 5’1 on a good day Fun Facts About Me: Best Book: Becoming Naomi Leon Favorite Movie(s): My Sister’s Keeper, We’re the Millers, Just Go With It Favorite Shows: I’m a sucker for Netflix and Hulu, but my top ones would have…